
class hvad.descriptors.NULL

A pseudo type used internally to distinguish between None and no value given.


class hvad.descriptors.BaseDescriptor

Base class for the descriptors, should not be used directly.


The options (meta) of the model.

translation(self, instance)

Get the cached translation object on an instance, or get it from the database and cache it on the instance.


class hvad.descriptors.TranslatedAttribute

Standard descriptor for translated fields on the Shared Model.


The name of this attribute


The options (meta) of the model.

__get__(self, instance, instance_type=None)

Gets the attribute from the translation object using BaseDescriptor.translation(). If no instance is given (used from the model instead of an instance) it returns the default value from the field.

__set__(self, instance, value)

Sets the value on the attribute on the translation object using BaseDescriptor.translation() if an instance is given, if no instance is given, raises an AttributeError.

__delete__(self, instance)

Deletes the attribute on the translation object using BaseDescriptor.translation() if an instance is given, if no instance is given, raises an AttributeError.


class hvad.descriptors.LanguageCodeAttribute

The language code descriptor is different than the other fields, since it’s readonly. The getter is inherited from TranslatedAttribute.

__set__(self, instance, value)

Raises an attribute error.

__delete__(self, instance)

Raises an attribute error.