1. Installation

1.1. Requirements

  • Django 1.3 or higher. Django 1.6 or higher is recommended.
  • Python 2.6 or a higher release of Python 2.x or PyPy 1.5 or higher, Python 3.3 or higher.
  • For Python 2.6 you need argparse

1.2. Installation

Packaged version

This is the recommended way. Install django-hvad using pip by running:

pip install django-hvad

This will download the latest version from pypi and install it.

Then add 'hvad' to your INSTALLED_APPS, and proceed to Quickstart.

Latest development version

If you need the latest features from a yet unreleased version, or just like living on the edge, install django-hvad using pip by running:

pip install https://github.com/kristianoellegaard/django-hvad/tarball/master

This will download the development branch from github and install it.

Then add 'hvad' to your INSTALLED_APPS, and proceed to Quickstart.