3. Models

3.1. Defining models

Defining models with django-hvad is done by inheriting TranslatableModel. Model definition works like in regular Django, with the following additional features:

  • Translatable fields can be defined on the model, by wrapping them in a TranslatedFields instance, and assigning it to an attribute on the model. That attribute will be used to access the translations of your model directly. Behind the scenes, it will be a reversed ForeignKey from the Translations Model to your Shared Model.
  • Translatable fields can be used in the model options. For options that take groupings of fields (unique_together and index_together), each grouping may have either translatable or non-translatable fields, but not both.
  • Special field language_code is automatically created by hvad, and may be used for defining unique_together constraints that are only unique per language.

A full example of a model with translations:

from django.db import models
from hvad.models import TranslatableModel, TranslatedFields

class TVSeries(TranslatableModel):
    distributor = models.CharField(max_length=255)

    translations = TranslatedFields(
        title = models.CharField(max_length=100),
        subtitle = models.CharField(max_length=255),
        released = models.DateTimeField(),
    class Meta:
        unique_together = [('title', 'subtitle')]


The Meta class of the model may not use the translatable fields in order_with_respect_to.


TranslatedFields cannot contain a field named master, as this name is reserved by hvad to refer to the Shared Model. Also, special field language_code can be overriden in order to set it to be a different type of field, or change its options.

3.2. New and Changed Methods



Prepares a new translation for this instance for the language specified.


This method does not perform any database queries. It assumes the translation does not exist. If it does exist, trying to save the instance will raise an IntegrityError.


safe_translation_getter(name, default=None)

Returns the value of the field specified by name if it’s available on this instance in the currently cached language. It does not try to get the value from the database. Returns the value specified in default if no translation was cached on this instance or the translation does not have a value for this field.

This method is useful to safely get a value in methods such as __unicode__().


This method never performs any database queries.

Example usage:

class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
    translations = TranslatedFields(
        name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.safe_translation_getter('name', str(self.pk))


Changed in version 0.4.

lazy_translation_getter(name, default=None)

Tries to get the value of the field specified by name using safe_translation_getter(). If this fails, tries to load a translation from the database. If none exists, returns the value specified in default.

This method is useful to get a value in methods such as __unicode__().



Returns a list of available language codes for this instance.


This method runs a database query to fetch the available languages, unless they were prefetched before (if the instance was retrieved with a call to prefetch_related('translations')).


save(force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None)

Overrides save().

This method runs an extra query to save the translation cached on this instance, if any translation was cached.

It accepts both translated and untranslated fields in update_fields.

  • If only untranslated fields are specified, the extra query will be skipped.
  • If only translated fields are specified, the shared model update will be skipped. Note that this means signals will not be triggered.

3.3. Working with relations

Foreign keys pointing to a Translated Model always point to the Shared Model. It is not possible to have a foreign key to a Translations Model.

Please note that select_related() used on a foreign key pointing from a normal model to a translatable model does not span to its translations and therefore accessing a translated field over the relation will cause an extra query. Foreign keys from a translatable model do not have this restriction.

If you wish to filter over a translated field over the relation from a Normal Model you have to use get_translation_aware_manager() to get a manager that allows you to do so. That function takes your model class as argument and returns a manager that works with translated fields on related models.

3.4. Advanced Model Definitions

Abstract Models

New in version 0.5.

Abstract models can be used normally with hvad. Untranslatable fields of the base models will remain untranslatable, while translatable fields will be translatable on the concrete model as well:

class Place(TranslatableModel):
    coordinates = models.CharField(max_length=64)
    translations = TranslatedFields(
        name = models.CharField(max_length=255),
    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class Restaurant(Place):
    score = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    translations = TranslatedFields()   # see note below


The concrete models must have a TranslatedFields instance as one of their attributes. This is required because this attribute will be used to access the translations. It can be empty.

Proxy Models

New in version 0.4.

Proxy models can be used normally with hvad, with the following restrictions:

  • The __init__ method of the proxy model will not be called when it is loaded from the database.
  • As a result, the pre_init and post_init signals will not be sent for the proxy model either.

The __init__ method and signals for the concrete model will still be called.

Multi-table Inheritance

Unfortunately, multi-table inheritance is not supported, and unlikely to be. Please read #230 about the issues with multi-table inheritance.

3.5. Custom Managers and Querysets

Custom Manager

Vanilla managers, using vanilla querysets can be used with translatable models. However, they will not have access to translations or translatable fields. Also, such a vanilla manager cannot server as a default manager for the model. The default manager must be translation aware.

To have full access to translations and translatable fields, custom managers must inherit TranslationManager and custom querysets must inherit either TranslationQueryset (enabling the use of language()) or FallbackQueryset (enabling the use of use_fallbacks()). Both are described in the dedicated section.

Custom Querysets

Once you have a custom queryset, you can use it to override the default ones in your manager. This is where it is more complex than a regular manager: TranslationManager uses three types of queryset, that can be overriden independently:

As a convenience, it is possible to override the queryset at manager instanciation, avoiding the need to subclass the manager:

class TVSeriesTranslationQueryset(TranslationQueryset):
    def is_public_domain(self):
        threshold = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=365*70)
        return self.filter(released__gt=threshold)

class TVSeries(TranslatableModel):
    # ... (see full definition in previous example)
    objects = TranslationManager(queryset_class=TVSeriesTranslationQueryset)

Overriding Default Queryset

New in version 0.6.

By default, the TranslationManager returns a vanilla, translation-unaware QuerySet when a query is done without either language() or untranslated(). This conservative behavior makes it compatible with third party modules. It is, however, possible to set it to be translation-aware by overriding it:

class MyModel(TranslatableModel):
    objects = TranslationManager(default_class=TranslationQueryset)

This deeply changes key behaviors of the manager, with many benefits:

  • The call to language() can be omitted, filtering on translations is implied in all queries. It is still possible to use it to set another language on the queryset.
  • As a consequence, all third-party modules will only see objects in current language, unless they are hvad-aware.
  • They will also gain access to translated fields.
  • Queries that use prefetch_related() will prefetch the translation as well (in current language).
  • Acessing a translatable model from a ForeignKey or a GenericForeignKey will also load and cache the translation in current language.

In other terms, all queries become translation-aware by default.


Some third-party modules may break if they rely on the ability to see all objects. MPTT, for instance, will corrupt its tree if some objects have no translation in current language. Use caution when combining this feature with other manager-altering modules.

Custom Translation Models

New in version 1.5.

It is possible to have translations use a custom base class, by specifying a base_class argument to TranslatedFields. This may be useful for advanced manipulation of translations, such as customizing some model methods, for instance from_db():

class BookTranslation(models.Model):
    def from_db(cls, db, fields, values):
        obj = super(BookTranslation, self).from_db(cls, db, field, values)
        obj.loaded_at = timezone.now()
        return obj

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class Book(TranslatableModel):
    translations = TranslatedFields(
        base_class = BookTranslation,
        name = models.CharField(max_length=255),

In this example, the Book’s translation model will have BookTranslation as its first base class, so every translation will have a loaded_at attribute when loaded from the database. Keep in mind this attribute will not be available on the book itself, but can be accessed through get_cached_translation(book).loaded_at.

Such classes are inserted into the translations inheritance tree, so if some other model inherits Book, its translations will also inherit BookTranslation.

Next, we will detail the translation-aware querysets provided by hvad.