

class hvad.forms.TranslatableModelFormMetaclass

Metaclass of TranslatableModelForm.

__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

The main thing happening in this metaclass is that the declared and base fields on the form are built by calling django.forms.models.fields_for_model() using the correct model depending on whether the field is translated or not. This metaclass also enforces the translations accessor and the master foreign key to be excluded.


class hvad.forms.TranslatableModelForm(ModelForm)


__init__(self, data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=ErrorList, label_suffix=':', empty_permitted=False, instance=None)

If this class is initialized with an instance, it updates initial to also contain the data from the Translations Model if it can be found.

save(self, commit=True)

Saves both the Shared Model and Translations Model and returns a combined model. The Translations Model is either altered if it already exists on the Shared Model for the current language (which is fetched from the language_code field on the form or the current active language) or newly created.


Other than in a normal django.forms.ModelForm, this method creates two queries instead of one.


Ensures the correct translation is loaded into self.instance. It tries to load the language specified in the form’s language_code field from the database, and calls translate() if it does not exist yet.


class hvad.forms.BaseTranslationFormSet(BaseInlineFormSet)

An instance of a TranslatableModel that the formset works on the translations of. Its untranslatable fields will be used while validating and saving the translations.

order_translations(self, qs)

Is given a queryset over the Translations Model, that it should alter and return. This is used for adding order_by clause that will define the order in which languages will show up in the formset.

Default implementation orders by language_code. If overriding this method, the default implementation should not be called.


Performs translation-specific cleaning of the form. Namely, it combines each form’s translation with instance then calls full_clean() on the full object.

It also ensures the last translation of an object cannot be deleted (unless adding a new translation at the same time).

_save_translation(self, form, commit=True)

Saves one of the formset’s forms to the database. It is used by both save_new() and save_existing(). It works by combining the form’s translation with instance‘s untranslatable fields, then saving the whole object, triggering any custom save() method or related signal handlers.

save_new(self, form, commit=True)

Saves a new translation. Called from save().

save_existing(self, form, instance, commit=True)

Saves an existing, updated translation. Called from save().

add_fields(self, form, index)

Adds a language_code field if it is not defined on the translation form.